Why I’m Building an Uptime Monitoring Tool and What Makes It Different

After spending years in a product team at a well-established monitoring company, I decided it was time to create something of my own. For 7 years, I helped teams design and build SaaS applications focused on website and uptime monitoring. During this time, I observed a recurring trend that deeply influenced my decision to embark on this journey: after companies received their first round of investment or were acquired, their priorities often shifted dramatically.

Suddenly, the focus was no longer on building a product that served its users in the best possible way. Instead, the emphasis moved towards maximizing revenue, making the application bloated with features that looked good on paper but added little real value. Plans became more expensive, and users were bombarded with relentless "UPGRADE NOW!" emails, pushing oversized packages that most didn't need.

Worse yet, these strategies often employed dark UX patterns—design tricks aimed at making it hard for users to leave or choose simpler, more cost-effective alternatives. It was disheartening to see products that started with a user-first mentality transform into something that prioritized metrics for investors and shareholders above all else.

A Different Approach: Building Proberix

Throughout my time on the product team, I had countless conversations with UX and product people about what truly makes a product loved by its users. The never-ending debate centered on whether people love products for the number of features they offer or if they simply need something that works—a tool that’s easy to use but powerful enough to get the job done. This eternal question fueled my desire to create something different.

I decided to test an idea: what if I could create a straightforward, human-centric app that excels in one specific area, rather than trying to be an all-in-one solution? I didn’t want to build just another tool that ticked all the boxes for investors. I wanted to create something that genuinely served its users—something simple, powerful, and free from the usual clutter.

After experimenting with a pilot version of this idea, I was encouraged by the strong user retention and positive feedback I received. This led me to move from the experimental stage to a more established phase, and I’m excited to unveil Proberix—a monitoring tool designed to alert you immediately if your website or API goes down.

Why Proberix?

Understanding the critical nature of downtime for digital assets owners, I wanted to build a tool that does one thing exceptionally well: keep you informed when your service is down, so you can act quickly. My goal with Proberix is to create an app that looks simple on the surface but is built to tackle enterprise-level tasks without the clutter and pressure often seen in post-investment scenarios.

Proberix also stands out because of its non-discriminatory pricing model. Whether you’re paying for one probe or multiple, you get access to all the features Proberix has to offer. There’s no tiered system where some users get more functionality than others. I believe that every user should have access to the full power of the tool, regardless of how much they’re paying.