Getting Started with Proberix
Adding the First Probe

Adding the First Probe in Proberix

When you sign up on Proberix, a user profile is created for you, along with a default monitoring account assigned to your user profile in trial mode. This account allows you to start monitoring endpoints right away. Additional users can be invited later to access and manage the account, and the same user can have access to multiple accounts. (For more details on managing multiple users and accounts, see the Multi-Tenant User Management article.)

To create a new probe in Proberix, navigate to Probes > New Probe. This is where you can set up a new monitoring probe.

The only required fields to create a probe are:

  • Probe Name: This is a friendly name that helps differentiate the probe from others. It’s especially useful for long URLs, making it easier to manage and identify probes. For example, instead of using the full URL, you could name the probe something more manageable like Health API.

  • URL to Monitor: This is the actual endpoint you want to monitor.

The other configurations come with default settings that will initiate the monitoring process automatically.

In General Settings, you have options such as:

  • Enable Full Page Rendering: This option, when selected, makes the probe simulate a full browser session, loading the entire page and all its resources. It allows you to monitor how your website or application behaves in a real-world scenario. For more details, refer to the Full Page Rendering article.

  • Enable Change Detection: Selecting this option will enable the probe to track changes on your monitored endpoint. It’s useful for detecting updates or modifications to your content. For more information, see the Change Detection article.

Note: These features may not be available in trial mode.

Monitoring Interval defines how often Proberix will make probing requests to your endpoint. You can choose a frequency that suits your needs, from every minute to less frequent intervals.

Monitoring Locations require you to select a minimum of two locations from which the monitoring will be conducted.

In the Notifications section, you can choose a Notification Policy that defines the conditions under which notifications will be sent if the probe detects an issue. The default setting when your account is created will notify you when two geographic locations each register two consecutive failures. For more information on configuring notification policies, see the Notification Policies article.

Optional settings include:

  • Request Method
  • Headers
  • Content Check
  • Basic Authentication

For more detailed information about these optional settings, refer to the HTTP/S Probe Configuration article.

By following these steps, you can quickly set up your first probe in Proberix, allowing you to monitor your endpoints effectively.