Probing Locations

Probing Locations

Overview of Probing Locations

Probing locations in the Proberix monitoring system are geographical nodes responsible for executing checks (or probes) on specified URLs or API endpoints. These locations are essential for assessing the performance and availability of web services from various parts of the world, providing a comprehensive view that reflects a global audience. Each location functions independently to verify service availability, response times, and content integrity by sending periodic requests to the monitored endpoints.

Key Features of Probing Locations

  • Global Coverage: Proberix provides multiple monitoring locations worldwide, such as Washington, Ohio, and Frankfurt, allowing for a thorough assessment of service health from different regions.

  • Independent Monitoring: Each location operates independently, ensuring that results from one location do not influence those from another, enabling more accurate and localized monitoring.

  • Real-Time Data Publishing: After executing a probe, each location publishes the results to a centralized broker. This data is then used for alerting and reporting, helping users quickly identify and respond to issues.

Probing Locations and Round Robin Monitoring

The approach of using probing locations in Proberix differs significantly from a typical round-robin monitoring approach.

  • Execution Method: Probing locations continuously monitor assigned probes independently, adhering to predefined intervals. This method ensures consistent and ongoing checks from each location. In contrast, round-robin monitoring distributes tasks sequentially across nodes, meaning a probe might be checked from different locations in successive cycles. This can result in less frequent checks from any single location but broader geographical coverage over time.

  • Fault Isolation: Since each probing location operates independently, issues detected in one location can be isolated and compared against others, providing a clearer picture of whether a problem is local or widespread. In round-robin monitoring, fault isolation can be more challenging due to the changing monitoring locations, potentially delaying the identification of localized issues.

  • Alerting and Thresholds: Alerts in Proberix are typically triggered based on failures reported by multiple locations, such as when at least two locations report a service as down. This helps avoid false positives from localized anomalies. In round-robin monitoring, alerts are usually triggered after a full cycle of checks, which could result in slower response times compared to the continuous monitoring offered by static probing locations.

IP Addresses for Probing Locations

If your system is secured by an allowlist and requires specific IP addresses to permit Proberix to conduct its monitoring checks, please allow the following IP addresses for the corresponding locations:

LocationIP Address