
Notification History in Proberix

The Notification History section in Proberix provides a detailed log of all notifications that have been sent through various channels. Each entry in this log corresponds to a single notification, offering a clear record of when and how alerts were delivered. This section is essential for tracking the flow of notifications and understanding how the system has communicated issues over time.

Structure of Notification History

Each row in the Notification History log represents an individual notification that was sent. The log includes the following key details:

  • Timestamp: The exact time the notification was sent.
  • Originating Probe: The probe that triggered the notification, providing context on what was being monitored.
  • Subject: The specific issue or condition that prompted the notification, such as a downtime event or a failure to meet a threshold.
  • Receiver Channel: The channel through which the notification was delivered, such as Email, SMS, or Webhook.

Screenshot of the Notifications History page in Proberix, displaying a list of sent notifications with details such as timestamps, probe names, and notification channels.

Differentiating Notification History from Events

It's important to distinguish the Notification History from the Events section in Proberix. While the Notification History logs every notification that has been sent, the Events section records every significant event that occurs during monitoring, regardless of whether a notification was triggered.

Example: Events vs. Notifications
Consider a scenario where a probe detects a connection timeout. This event will be logged in the Events section, recording the failure as it occurred. However, if the probe’s Notification Policy does not have a condition that triggers on connection timeouts or if the policy's thresholds are not met, no notification will be sent. As a result, while the event is recorded in the Events section, it will not appear in the Notification History.

Similarly, if a Notification Policy is configured with thresholds that are violated but no notification channels are subscribed to that policy, the system will not send any notifications. The event will still be recorded, but the Notification History will remain unchanged because no alert was dispatched.